Mike Seaborne







'London Facades' is an on-going series of photographs about the disappearing face of pre-corporate London. The pictures so far have been mostly taken in areas of the inner city undergoing regeneration – and in some cases gentrification - and the most suitable subjects are often found on the periphery of such redevelopment schemes where the blight seems more evident than the intentions to renovate or renew.

The project is London-wide and embraces a range of different facades, including shops, industrial and commercial buildings, and housing. The photographs selected for this exhibition were taken in the East End districts of Spitalfields, Shoreditch, Hoxton and Hackney, together with a few taken a little further west in St. Luke’s. The photographs were taken in 2004-8 with a 6x6cm film camera.


Mike Seaborne

Mike has been documenting London for 30 years. He began in the early 1980s by photographing Docklands before regeneration and has continued with major projects on the Thames, social housing, high streets and shopping centres. His work has been widely published and exhibited and is in several major public and private collections, including the National Media Museum, the Museum of London, the National Monuments Record and the Michael Wilson Centre for Photography.



For print purchase enquiries contact l.stewart[at]quaritch.com at Bernard Quaritch Ltd.


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